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Shondrell Perrilloux is a Creole Female "Trail Blazer" Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in District 2, in Louisiana. Running against the incumbent Democrat. Shondrell Perrilloux isn't afraid to face society and say, "I understand who you want me to be," and I am going to show you who I truly am by getting the job done. I will continue protect and to listen to the people and stay committed to my "Vision" to Preserve, Establish, Protect and remain committed to fairness of the "American Dream for ALL PEOPLE."

Ms. Perrilloux has made history several times;

  1. In 2023, Ms. Perrilloux ran for State Representative from her two Parish Districts.  She did not campaign, did not do any fundraising, had no manager or campaign team.  She simply placed her hat in the ring and missed runoff by 43 votes against 7 other candidates who were elected officials.  Shondrell won early voting in the race.

  2. In 2020, Ms. Perrilloux won the election for President of the NAACP in her Parish and is a popular leader.   Because of her desire to promote inclusion, love and passion for the people within her district, Ms. Perrilloux changed her party affiliation to Republican while still President of the NAACP to promote unity.

  3. In 2018 Ms. Perrilloux, as a "Civil Rights Activist", without political experience made history by forcing runoff for School Board between the incumbent and the sheriff’s sister. 

  4. Shortly afterwards Ms. Perrilloux sued St John the Baptist Parish Public School Board forcing them to abide by the schoolboard’s current policies and procedures and WON!!

  5. Additionally, Ms. Perrilloux followed the same procedure forcing St John the Baptist Parish Government to ‘update’ its outdated charter and WON!.

  6. Ms. Perrilloux won a ‘Pro Se’ Mandamus against St John the Baptist Parish Government for violating Public Open Meeting Laws.

  7. Shondrell Perrilloux is currently the Republican Executive Member at Large from St. John the Baptist Parish.

***This is to name only a few of Perrilloux’s historic victories! It is easy to see how Ms. Perrilloux has already won the confidence of voters in Congressional District 2.  In addition, and most notable, Ms. Perrilloux speaks to the heart of the people in the language they understand. She is the mother of two amazing children.  She is a fearless candidate and the perfect age 45 yrs. old. By election season, she will be 46 years old. With your support we can "Make America Great for All People" hire a Campaign manager and a Team to win the upcoming Congressional Election!


Shondrell Perrilloux has over 25 years of leadership and is qualified and experienced to accomplish her Goals "for the people" and "by the people."

"Help Us Win This Fight!"


Join US!  

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Shondrell Perriloux meeting with the CWA Union Members -
All Must Win!
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St. Charles Republican Women Sen.
Greg Miller and Rep Beth Billings
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Republican Party of Iberville Parish with Shondrell
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Republican Party Political Meeting With Shondrell - Please - Lets Help ALL To Win for ALL the People Everywhere!
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